The Masonic Youth Organizations:
Can We Make Them The Choice Of A New Generation?
Many inside our circles have wondered if we are on the verge of non-existence. So much has changed over the course of a lifetime with these groups, that you may not realize that we still struggle with the same issues now that we did so many years ago – being noticed. You mention the word “Mason” in affiliation with DeMolay, Rainbow, or Jobs and the word “cult” immediately enters the mind of many and it cannot be changed.
The Hall of Fame names associated with our groups and the many more that are recognized have not helped us escape that stigma. The great things that many members have done and accomplished go unrecognized due to the shroud of secrecy surrounding us. Yes there are special signs and words that we associate ourselves with, but the general purpose of our orders is based in community service and helping others.
Many youth today have a sense of entitlement that was not even prevalent 2 decades ago. They feel that they are worth a dollar amount that they set themselves. We only have ourselves to blame, especially in the sports and entertainment industry where a rookie drafted out of high school or college makes millions of dollars without playing a single minute or a movie star commands a $20,000,000 paycheck per movie. Our youth are deluded into thinking that they can command that and not work for it. I am sorry to say that no one is worth that kind of money and it is time for our new generation to realize that.
Our organizations take in all. We ask for you to believe in simple ideals – a belief in God, respect and courtesy for your fellow man, and patriotism for your country. Yet, as an adult leader, I have been disrespected and swore at. I have heard stories of sexual conquest by both the young men and women of this new generation like it is some sort of game. They need to understand that they are still kids and should act as such. Have fun, enjoy life, and respect each other for your individuality. Be proud to be the geek, jock, techie, gamer, or whatever clique you fit into. As DeMolays, Rainbows, and Jobs you all fit in to our clique.
If you know of a youth that needs or deserves to be a member of these great organizations or an adult that wants to help please send them our way. Help our groups survive and thrive into the coming future.
Can We Make Them The Choice Of A New Generation?
Many inside our circles have wondered if we are on the verge of non-existence. So much has changed over the course of a lifetime with these groups, that you may not realize that we still struggle with the same issues now that we did so many years ago – being noticed. You mention the word “Mason” in affiliation with DeMolay, Rainbow, or Jobs and the word “cult” immediately enters the mind of many and it cannot be changed.
The Hall of Fame names associated with our groups and the many more that are recognized have not helped us escape that stigma. The great things that many members have done and accomplished go unrecognized due to the shroud of secrecy surrounding us. Yes there are special signs and words that we associate ourselves with, but the general purpose of our orders is based in community service and helping others.
Many youth today have a sense of entitlement that was not even prevalent 2 decades ago. They feel that they are worth a dollar amount that they set themselves. We only have ourselves to blame, especially in the sports and entertainment industry where a rookie drafted out of high school or college makes millions of dollars without playing a single minute or a movie star commands a $20,000,000 paycheck per movie. Our youth are deluded into thinking that they can command that and not work for it. I am sorry to say that no one is worth that kind of money and it is time for our new generation to realize that.
Our organizations take in all. We ask for you to believe in simple ideals – a belief in God, respect and courtesy for your fellow man, and patriotism for your country. Yet, as an adult leader, I have been disrespected and swore at. I have heard stories of sexual conquest by both the young men and women of this new generation like it is some sort of game. They need to understand that they are still kids and should act as such. Have fun, enjoy life, and respect each other for your individuality. Be proud to be the geek, jock, techie, gamer, or whatever clique you fit into. As DeMolays, Rainbows, and Jobs you all fit in to our clique.
If you know of a youth that needs or deserves to be a member of these great organizations or an adult that wants to help please send them our way. Help our groups survive and thrive into the coming future.